Sunday, June 3, 2012

Image Upload Tool

Today I have been trying to catch up on some work for an image upload tool. The tool will be accessible through the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website and will be used to collect images from their citizen scientists.

The process of making the webpage for the tool was made much easier (and cleaner) through the use of the Twitter Bootstrap tools. The design examples are good to go out of the box, and can be quickly thrown together to make a pretty good looking site. I also used the jQuery File Upload tool to handle the upload of the images. I didn't really encounter too many challenges getting this tool to work. There was an issue with generating thumbnails, but I just turned that feature off.

I need to get a representative image for each category, and I need to hook up the database to the site. Hopefully the tool should be functional by the end of the week.

Update on the App:
We moved the backend code from a school computer to an AWS machine. We transitioned an updated version of the code which has a new interface. The iPad app does not work well with the new interface, and I am still trying to debug the cause of the problems. So for now the app is down....

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